Michigan Vernal Pools are temporary water sources caused by precipitation and precipitation runoff. They are critical habitats for many plants and animals with specialized adaptations for coping with temporary and variable hydroperiods. STEM and Branch is partnered with Michigan State University (Go Green!) and the Michigan Natural Features Inventory: Vernal Pools Patrol to help study and record these valuable natural phenomenon.
Vernal Pool Exploration 2024
Cross-curricular Vernal Pool Exploration including Sensory Storytime, Edible Vernal Pools, PE, Art, Biology
MAEOE Conference Presentation 2022
Cross-Curricular look at Vernal Pools with Environmental Education, Art, Sensory Storytime, Engineering, Physical Education, Microbiology
Naming/Data Collecting/Cataloging ENP-1/2/3 Vernal Pools for MNFI Database
Ensley Nature Preserve: SABA Spring Break Camp, April 6